In a conversation with Jeremiah Diacogiannis, Owner of Renovation Sells Austin, we dive into the heart of what makes Renovation Sells unique and how Jeremiah has found success doing something he loves.
What has your experience been like working with real estate agents and how has it contributed to the success of the business?
I can't imagine trying to run this business and be successful without partnering with agents. Agents have in-depth knowledge of these neighborhoods in a way that I can't because they're walking the streets, they're talking to the people, they're selling the homes, they're hosting open houses, and getting to know the needs of buyers in the community. They have very specific data points for every single home because they have to.
We lean on their knowledge to help define the right scope and budget, with them knowing that it's an investment, not an expense. And when we work with great agents who know their data, who know their neighborhoods, we can make the best possible recommendations so that we have total confidence that those clients are going to experience a massive return on that investment in a very specific, short amount of time.
I don't know what other opportunities come along where you can take 5, 10, or $30,000, invest it in a tangible asset, and get a 300-400% return within just a couple of months. That is a spectacular opportunity, and it only happens because we partner with outstanding agents who know their markets and are committed to serving their clients.
There's so much that goes into trusting who you're working with when it comes to selling a home. How do you make sure that the people that you work with feel that sense of trust from you as their contractor?
There is always a challenge bridging the gap between the fear of the client and the competence and value proposition that we bring. We present them a value proposition that, at times, can sound too good to be true. But the winning combination seems to be when you have a realtor as a partner who believes in what we do and has seen the value that we bring. The client has already hired an agent based on trust, and when that trusted entity is saying, ‘No, this is legit, we've worked with them before, it's going to be great, and here's the data,’ that is a big part of overcoming those hesitant clients who had a bad experience in the past.
The other strong selling point that I lean into is the strength of our brand. We're a nationwide coast-to-coast brand. We are well-known. I'm not a random guy in a white pickup with a box full of tools. I think that gives a lot of confidence.
It's this really interesting to have a nationwide brand but also locally owned so they know they can rely on you.
Agreed. That's a huge differentiating factor - the fact that we are a locally owned and operated business. I tell clients all the time, “I live here. I'm not just representing some venture capital funded group in New York or some far away corporate entity.”
It's about being relentlessly client-focused and delivering value over and over and over again. It's a habit, it's second nature for us, and it never gets old, seeing the look of relief on the face of the clients when they recognize that this is a different experience.
What advice would you give to a hesitant agent or seller who is skeptical or on the fence about working with you?
Considering all the things that go into moving, selling a home, packing up all your belongings, paying for movers to come, down payments on a new home, the last thing most folks want to consider is spending a lot more money on the home they're about to leave. By offering design, construction, and financing under one roof, Renovation Sells can really lift that burden.
When a seller trusts a great agent who has worked with us and can show them the numbers and the data for their local market about how big of a return in both time and money you can get for that investment, it's absolutely worth it to make the phone call.
Any Renovation Sells Owner is going to be happy to talk a client through the process and the value proposition. Whether your budget is $5,000 or $50,000 or $150,000, we are experts at tailoring your budget to the scope of work that's going to make the biggest impact for your home.
How have you brought your unique skill set and passion into your business running Renovation Sells?
I love what I do. I am an entrepreneur at heart, so solving problems is the very foundational element of being an entrepreneur, and at Renovation Sells, we’re solving other people's problems that have lots of zeros after them. I love this because through the joint effort with a Realtor, we're creating value in the lives of our community.
It's a win-win-win. We get to hire a lot of people. We employ a ton of folks in our community. Our Realtors get to do more transactions every year; they get to serve more clients because instead of sitting with a listing that's taking 90 days, 120 days, six months to get any traction, instead, it's selling in a weekend. Those clients, instead of the horrible stress of needing to sell your home and not getting any offers, they're getting the pick of a number of offers, many times that option is well above the list price.
We create value for home sellers, for home buyers, and for Realtors. We provide employment for scores of laborers in our market. I couldn't be happier about it because I'm investing in and increasing the value of my community.
Watch the Interview
About Jeremiah:
Jeremiah Diacogiannis, a Navy veteran and entrepreneur, lives near Bee Cave, TX with his wife and four children. Growing up in Washington state, he spent summers working for his dad's painting company and building houses as a hired hand for a general contractor. After 13 years serving as a Naval Flight Officer on a national security mission, he is thrilled to be helping homeowners and agents in Austin increase value in their homes. Click here to learn more and connect with Jeremiah.
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